The teaching method in our pizza making school, established throughout 150 courses, is innovative yet it draws its inspiration from the Bauhaus Design School's concept of learning through practical experience (learning by doing).



Pizza school: the workshop

icona pizza

In our new workshop (200 sq. m.) specifically designed and equipped for training courses, each student has their own workstation. All types of working surfaces one will have to deal with as a professional pizza maker are available (steel, marble, granite and tempered glass), all kinds of oven (wood-fired, electric, with fan and rotary ovens) and a mixing area with 4 kneading machines of different purpose and capacity.



Pizza school: how classes work

icona pizza

The teaching method in our pizza workshop is essentially practical and hands-on: all apprentice pizza makers are encouraged right from the start to familiarise themselves with the laboratory where all their training will take place.

From the very first class we simulate the work and production flow of a pizza restaurant, dividing students up in groups which take turns in the mixingprepping and baking areas; there are no lulls or waiting times.

Students will first be introduced to the basic mixes for pizzas with traditional flours and then to 16 more complex types, such as whole wheat, soy, kamut, full body, stone-ground grains and ancient grains.

The training course is student-centred; the teachers are taking into account each student's specific goals and peculiar qualities and closely follow their training, in order to achieve up to a 90% employment rate*.

The pizza workshop is also a place for socialising, peer tutoring, cooperating and integrating people from all walks of life and all cultural backgrounds: a suitable path also for people with learning difficulties, school drop-outs, youths going through social hardship, disabled and more.

*Including full-time, part-time and self-employment.

laboratorio scuola pizza


Scuola pizzaioli: tipi di corsi

icona pizza

La Scuola permanente di pizzaioli Margherita 2000 propone differenti tipologie di corsi per pizzaioli a seconda della scansione temporale:

  • corsi ordinari: 60 ore, 3 volte la settimana;
  • corsi full time/ full immersion: 40 ore da svolgersi in una settimana in 5 giorni, adatto a chi preferisce un corso concentrato e ha già “le mani in pasta”;
  • corsi personalizzati per pizzaioli: possibilità di strutturare un percorso in base alle proprie disponibilità di tempo, presenza e frequenza. È un servizio creato ad hoc che solo una scuola strutturata può offrire;
  • corsi a distanza per pizzaioli: studiato appositamente per chi lavora e non può frequentare in presenza, il corso pizzaioli a distanza viene svolto con materiale didattico esclusivo, cartaceo, video, manuali e workbook; gli allievi sono seguiti da un tutor personale, via skype, con certificazione e esame in presenza a fine percorso.

Inoltre, i tipi di corsi per pizzaioli si differenziano in base al livello:

  • corsi base
  • corsi amatoriali
  • corsi pizzaioli professionali
  • master pizzaioli
  • corsi pizzaioli per bambini