The International Pizza School “Margherita 2000”, founded in 1996, is the first ongoing school for pizza makers in Italy, with permanent address in Via Mussato 12, Abano Terme (PD), where a 200 sq. m. workshop is fitted with the latest industry-leading technologies.

Our School promotes all kinds of research, events and activities developing food education, quality appreciation, seasonal freshness, biodiversity, and the promotion of typical regional products.

For more than 20 years, Margherita 2000 has offered courses for pizza makers and masters for food industry professionals, not only in its premises but also on several locations. On the strength of a teaching faculty made of professionals and prize winners with an extensive experience both in Italy and abroad, our School has created more than 150 courses and awarded 2,850 diplomas thus promoting the opening of several pizzerias all over the world.





Pizza School: Margherita 2000 and Art Rock Café's projects

scuola pizza lezioni

Pizza School Margherita 2000 belongs to the professional training department of Social Promotion Association Art Rock Café, member of the national network ARCI. It is a registered training institution in Padua, Abano Terme and Montegrotto Terme.

Throughout the years, Art Rock Café has promoted more than 40 projects enhancing individual and community well-being and fostering the inclusion of most critical sectors of the population. It has partnered or worked with public institutions such as Regione Veneto, MIUR, Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, Assessorato ai Servizi Sociali della Regione Veneto, Provincia di Padova, Provincia di Venezia, Comune di Padova, Città Metropolitana di Firenze, Città di Venezia, Comune di Treviso, Comune di Rovigo, Comune di Mira, Comune di Montegrotto Terme, FSE, FER, UEPE, CCIAA Padova, CCIAA Treviso, with school institutions such as IPSSAR Pietro d’Abano, Licei Maria Ausiliatrice Padova, ICS Vittorino da Feltre, IIS L.B.Alberti, IIS Leonardo da Vinci, Liceo Galileo Galilei, IPSIA E. Bari, also with third sector organisations such as ACLI, Enars, Irecop, foundations such as Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, and with private institutions.


Art Rock Café is a non-profit, non-political entity which pursues these objectives:

  • Increasing the local cultural resources and growth opportunities by fostering cultural, sports and training initiatives;
  • Making a contribution to citizens' cultural and social development and to the promotion of solidarityamong individuals and groups and of individual and collective liberty.

The aim of our association, without any form of political, religious, racial or social discrimination, is to ensure a balanced growth of the individual, promoting all the necessary training, cultural, artistic, recreational and care activities. Our goal is the individual and collective growth which can build social “well-being”, develop the individual potential and achieve self-realisation and happiness.